About Me

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Welcome! This is the web journal of an up and coming pirate in the cruel and prosperus world that is the EVE Universe. This journal aims to document the victories, misfortunes and learned lessons of a pirate just starting out in the trade. I am currently roaming with FLA5HY RED [FLA5H] and am delving deeper into the world of Piracy. YARRRRR! o7

25 July 2010


I said to myself a few months ago that I'd never do it. I would never succumb to handing over REAL legal tender to see a few extra zeros in a virtual in-game bank account, but the relenetless fun I've been having with PVP got me feeling nauseous about returning to Dodixie and scavanging off mission runners. Don't get me wrong, ninja looting / salvaging is good fun and reasonably profitable but it doesnt touch the adrenaline rush of PVP. I'm sticking to my original plan of using most of the ISK from the PLEX to set up my alt with a Maelstrom for level 4 mission running. The idea is that from there on I will be totally self-sufficient, occaissonally running the odd mission and forwarding the proceeds to Mr Kha to fund his PVP habit.

But of course, there was much ISK leftover and I suddenly felt like I had more money than sense, storming the market with buy orders. Throwing the T2 modules into my shopping cart whimsically, I even splashed out a Jaguar, a Wolf and and two Stilettos, only being two thirds of the way through the necessary skills to pilot them properly. "Uh oh" I muttered aloud.

Conclusion? I think I actually prefer living on the edge just a little when it comes to ISK. When you have less it becomes more precious and in EVE that directly relates to the infamous adrenaline rush of PVP. Before I sound like some deluded space-peasant I would like to clarify that this does not involve me going out exclusively solo in T1 fit frigates or being too stingy to buy faction ammo. I simply mean to say that having a proffession in EVE with which you can fund PVP increases your appreciation for the value of things, which is ultimately one of the factors that makes EVE what it is. On the flip side, having the wealth to stockpile some well-fitted disposable ships is a great way to learn PVP and It's about striking the balance. You don't want to be throwing faction-fit Navy Issue vessels into the wind like its your job, but you certainly don't want to be duct-taping together a laughable T1 frigate and guarding it as your most prized possession.

-Mr Kha

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