So a brief reminder of the matter at hand: "What does Piracy mean to you?" Last post I talked a bit about the importance of Comradery (yes it's a word, look it up). Not entirely unique to Piracy but you can bet your life it's to be found in abundance compared to other proffessions in the game. This time round I want to delve a little more into the gameplay side of things...

Now let's get something straight from the get-go. Low-sec Piracy is hardly a stable or effective means of income. Ninja-ganking faction fit mission runners in high-sec or corp theft is where you want to be if you want to make good money whilst being naughty. This does not mean however that trying to make a profit where possible, is not an important aspect of the Pirate life as it's one of the things that seperates what we do from general PVP. Here are some extremely vague and obvious points on the subject:
+ Loot more, work less. I resent mission running, loath trade and wouldn't go near a mining laser if it put on a miniskirt. Scraping a few modules and ransoms here and there minimizes time spent doing the above.
+ Money saved is money earned. If you fly ships that you can afford to lose and try not to get blown up as best you can, then ISK is going to be less of an issue for you without having to spend extra effort elsewhere.
+ Adding insult to injury makes you feel fuzzy inside. Blowing somebody up and then extorting them for cash and stealing their possessions causes them extra inconvenience, which in turn makes you the coolest kid in school.
+ Recycling is good for the environment. Everybody knows that most of the time, Pirates are usually fighting other Pirates (or in our case, FW infestations). Ships fit for PVP will drop stuff that might not be worth a ton of cash but will probably be useful to either or you a corpmate.
That pretty much sums it up for me. I'm a rather lazy individual so now that I have successfully pointed out the obvious from a highly subjective angle, I'm going to bring this post to a close. Going back into my final year of University in a few days so will probably have even less time for writing this indulgent bollocks. Gf gf.
-Mr Kha
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