The next day the Rabbits were out and about through the stomping grounds when Mr. Otto Jarvis finds a juicy Drake, seemingly lost in an asteroid belt. After a brief game of cat and mouse he is ensnared and subjected to a slow and inevitable death. For some reason he decided to throw a single volley of faction missiles at my Rifter and then apparantly ceased fire while we finished him off. The upside-down yellow triangle was approached and looted immediately and it turned out our friend had been quite unfortunate. Five Arbalest launchers and several other pricey named mods had dropped and according to current market prices would yield us a cut of about 18m each, with the total loss for the Drake pilot nearing 117m isk. Fortunately I was not carrying the loot because on the way home, for the first time ever I made the facepalm-inducing mistake of jumping into the wrong system and losing my little Rifter to the Po-leece :-( fortunately they are ten-a-penny and the loss made a very minor dent in the week's profits.
Conclusion? Though far from being the most profitable proffesion in the Universe, Piracy can still have its moments in providing some respectable income. In addition to the epic Freighter ransom, the past week or so has been a rather good case for why the "shoot first, ask questions later" approach isn't always the best option. In addition the weeks events also help to prove the benefits of honouring your ransoms and the reputation and trust that it brings, both for you and for Pirates everywhere.
-Mr Kha
It have indeed been a somewhat profitable week for some of us.That's why i been going on so hard abouth trying the ransoming aproach first. Problem seems to be that at times we are devided between people with fat and steady wallets wich mostly just want to add another feather in their hat and us poorer ones that preffer the ransoms to kills.