Mr Kha is now proud to be the very first offical TGA Librarian! (despite being instantly ridiculed by Mail Lite :p ) This oppurtunity coincides nicely with the new wave of recruitment we have open for the Academy and as such I will be making a conscious effort to keep a healthy stock of books to help out our new recruits. The Library also contains a limited stock of advanced skillbooks for more experienced players and certain "elite" (ie. expensive) books may be available subject to certain member requirements (no I'm not talking about genitalia).
All alliance members are able to browse the Library's collection however, if you would like to have one of the books then you should ask either me or one of our directors and we will be happy to give them to you. Only one of each skillbook is going to be given to any individual toon and we hope that you are able to put them to good use out in the field o7.
-Mr Kha
so..do i need to call you MR.chief librarian then now or??? :-D