Certain corpies are often relied upon to take the bunnies out on their evening walks but I figured it might be interesting / courteous if I decided to step up for the role of FC instead. The last time I led a fleet we didn't manage to get any kills and we got a suprise visit from a Falcon while taking down a Thorax, losing a couple of our guys. This time however, it was going to be different...

Not too long ago, one of our corpmates (big shout out to Dark Avatar!) introduced to me the concept of "shotgun scanning" as an alternative way of moving an agile fleet. After some camp-dodging en route to our destination, we jump into a neighbouring system, and begin the new tactic. Pretty soon we're chasing a Rupture who doesn't want to play with us and shortly afterward he is cornered and helpless, thanks to the fact we had more JAM! than the NBA (yes 3 Blackbird pilots in a 7-man fleet is excessive). First kill as FC under my belt, I was a happy bunny. Things got even better on the way home.
Theres a Hurricane pilot in system apparantly interested in our Ishkur pilot. He takes the bait and a truly hero-tackle on behalf of Otto Jarvis nets us a warp-in for the fleet. Otto is forced back out of point range as he bleeds into structure but the nanocane is caught on an asteroid while I burn toward him with a handful o' web n' scram. Our Arby and Blackbird pilots are doing their job of negating the damage and the only problem we have now was the Warrior IIs. The drones are set upon me and quickly bring me into deep armor while the rest of the fleet is shooting them down. I GTFO and come back just in time to fire off some final shots and see the ship explode.
What a cool experience it was. I would reccommend giving the task of FC a chance to anybody who is willing to try it out. It's pretty challenging stuff but when a plan comes together it is really something to be a part of. GF to the Rupture and 'Cane pilots and job well done to our guys, we will be doing this again soon. Wolfpack pvp at its finest. o7
-Mr Kha
Well done on a successful FC roam, although three Blackbirds is really something...
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the next roam you take the helm on, I'm sure it'll go swimmingly.
Nice write-up Mr Kha. You definately have the makings of a good FC. It's all in the voice. By that i mean if you keep calm, and you do, when the shit goes down your squad will remain calm and follow orders to the letter.
ReplyDeleteAll the other important stuff takes time to learn but you can't buy clarity under pressure.
I was in a crucifier not an arbi =D